Dr Jacinta Vu Oral Medicine Specialist
Dr Alissa Jacobs Oral Medicine Specialist
Dr Hadleigh Clark Oral Medicine Specialist
Dr Jeremy Lau Oral Medicine Specialist


Easing the burden for busy referrers is paramount at the Centre for Oral Medicine and Facial Pain.

Please feel free to call, email or contact us via the form below to discuss any patient concerns.

We also accept referrals via Mediref (Centre for Oral Medicine and Facial Pain) and Healthlink (oralmfpn).


Rural and Remote Practitioners

Having spent time in rural and remote practices throughout Western Australia, Drs Vu and Jacobs have developed an understanding of the added difficulties for both these practitioners and patients.

Providing a triaging service to our rural and remote medical and dental colleagues is paramount to excellent patient care. Please contact us using the above form providing as much detail as possible. We will be in touch within three business days regarding the next steps needed.

Our Services