Thick stringy saliva? Dry mouth? Needing liquids to help with swallowing? We are here to help.
The Centre for Oral Medicine and Facial pain offers comprehensive assessment and patient centric management of issues related to salivary flow and salivary glands.
Saliva and salivary gland related lesions, conditions and diseases managed at the Centre for Oral Medicine and Facial Pain include:
Medication related hyposalivation and dry mouth
Sjogren Syndrome
Radiation and chemotherapy induced dry mouth
Xerostomia (perception of dry mouth)
Diseases and disorders of minor and major salivary glands
Our specialists also manage hypersalivation or excessive saliva with both medication and injectable therapies.
Centre for Oral Medicine and Facial Pain
Phone: (08) 6373 6731
Address: Ground Floor, 1 Preston Street, Como, WA, 6152
Healthlink: oralmfpn