Are you bothered by snoring, or have you been told you have Obstructive Sleep Apnoea? At the Centre, we are here to help.
At the Centre for Oral Medicine and Facial Pain, we use scientifically proven oral appliances for the management of both snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea.
Our specialists will work with you and include your GP and Sleep or Respiratory physician to manage your snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA). Each patient will be individually assessed for their suitability for a Mandibular Advancement Device and provided with a customised, titratable device to manage their snoring or OSA.
Patients with tooth grinding or bruxism as well as snoring or OSA can have both conditions seamlessly managed at the Centre for Oral Medicine and Facial Pain.
Centre for Oral Medicine and Facial Pain
Phone: (08) 6373 6731
Address: Ground Floor, 1 Preston Street, Como, WA, 6152
Healthlink: oralmfpn